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My time in school has also allowed me to grow in aspects apart from my academics. As a Main Committee member of my school's academic club, Media, Arts and Design Club, I have had the chance to organise and partake in various school wide events. 

If you can't already tell, eggs are my favorite food! Personally, I would to believe I’m like an egg. A seemingly hard exterior yet still soft inside, easy to love and versatile, and just like how you can still get good scrambled eggs out of a failed omelette, I always try to make the most out of a bad situation. I also run an egg account on the side where I document every single egg I eat. If that's not commitment to a passion, I don't know what is! 

"Shy girl gets nothing" is an inside joke between a close friend and I from secondary school. It's a saying I still hold close to me to this day. The meaning may be brash but it reminds me that I should always be bold enough to go and get the things I want. I believe we all owe it to ourselves to do so.


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